Clearance Level 5
Object class Euclid


General Rules

No Political Discussions:

No discussions or debates related to politics are allowed. This community is not a platform for political discourse. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

Inappropriate Sexual Content:

Explicit sexual content and discussions are strictly prohibited. General sexual conversations will result in a warning; repeated violations may lead to a temporary mute of approximately 3 days. Continued explicit discussions may result in a request to take it elsewhere. Involvement of a minor will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

Racial Slur Regulations:

Use of racial slurs is strictly prohibited regardless of context. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

Offensive Steam Names:

Your Steam name must not be offensive or inappropriate. Consequences for violation: A request to change the Steam name; failure to comply may result in appropriate actions, including a temporary or permanent ban.

Respectful Conduct:

Treat all community members with respect and courtesy. Harassment, bullying, or any form of discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

No Hate Speech:

Hate speech, including but not limited to homophobic, sexist, or discriminatory remarks, is not allowed. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

No Spamming or Trolling:

Avoid excessive or disruptive posting, spamming, or trolling. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

Age-Appropriate Content:

Ensure all content shared is appropriate for all age groups. Consequences for violation: Warning, removal of inappropriate content, temporary mute, ban for repeated offenses.

Follow Game-Specific Rules:

Abide by the rules of specific games or activities within the community.

Reporting Violations:

Report any rule violations to moderators for prompt action.

Server Conduct

No Delaying Rounds:

Delaying the round is prohibited. General camping in areas that hinder others' progress, such as Nuke Room or 049's Chamber, is not allowed.

Teaming Guidelines:

No teaming with players not on your designated team. Exception: Class-D and Scientists can team unless intentionally extending the round. Class-D can team with SCPs with the goal of becoming an SCP (SCP 049-02). Class-D/Chaos can team with SCPs in the face of a greater threat (MTF / Scientists). Teaming is not allowed after Autonuke has been activated.

No Toxicity:

Toxic behavior, including harassment, bullying, or any form of disrespectful conduct, is strictly prohibited. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

No Religion Talk:

Discussions about religion are not allowed. Keep conversations focused on the game and avoid religious topics.

Common Sense Rules:

The Administration Team reserves the right to address any behavior not directly covered in these rules if it violates common sense and good etiquette. Members may be punished for actions that go against common decency, even if not explicitly mentioned in the rules.

English-Only Communication:

The language spoken on the server is English. Speaking other languages may result in a warning or harsher consequences after continued use.

Age Restriction:

Players must be at least 13 years old to play on the server. The server believes the game is not suitable for those younger than 13.

Time-Specific Guidelines:

After Autonuke has gone off, teaming is no longer allowed.

As a rule of thumb, rules may be more relaxed after 12 AM (CET +1hr), but common sense should prevail. Players are expected to consider the enjoyment of others.

MIC / Chat Ettiquette

No Mic Spam, Music, or Soundboard Spam:

Spamming the microphone, playing music, or using soundboards excessively in global chat is prohibited. This includes spectator, intercom, and radio communication. Mic spamming is allowed in proximity chat but not as an SCP to avoid disrupting other SCPs.

Earrape Prohibition:

No earrape is allowed under any circumstances. Earrape refers to the intentional use of excessively loud or distorted sounds that can be harmful or disruptive to others.

Consequences for Violation:

Mic/Chat violations may result in verbal warnings, written warnings, temporary mute, or other appropriate consequences. Persistent violations, especially involving earrape, may lead to more severe actions, including temporary or permanent bans.

No Arguments in Spectator Chat:

Arguments in spectator chat are not allowed. Consequences for violation: Verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, ban.

Consequences for Violation:

The progression of consequences for arguments in spectator chat is as follows: verbal warning, written warning, temporary mute, and then a ban for continued violations.